As I go through life in Littleton one topic never seems to dull for us–the weather. And this year, with a crazy long winter, the warmer temperatures that have suddenly sprung up have everyone focused on the environment again. In Littleton, in 2013, it seems we have had no spring.
But give us fifteen minutes . . .
Colorado, like so many locations in the States, boldly asks for the short patience of another day to see dramatic change. It was just a couple of weeks ago we Littletonians were moaning about another snow dump. I mean, really. In May? Snow? But there it was, throughout both April and May in surprise dump after surprise dump.
And then this week, our temperatures have climbed into the 80s (Fahrenheit) so we’re sweltering. Snow jackets sit next to shorts in the closet and doing that final wash-the-winter-things-and-put-them-away has been pushed back to heaven only knows when.
But, with the heat, we’re making our way outside again. A quick survey of the damage our non-existent spring has done is little more than a lack of tulips and daffodils. Everything else is bursting forth with its usual brilliance.
Where I live in the Denver area, spring seems to be the best of all seasons. We get a little rain (or in this year’s case, snow) to moisten the land, and the flowers pop up beautifully on their own before we hook up our sprinkler systems and stress the water company that has told us that our two-year drought is continuing, and to watch our watering.
The confusing thing is that up in the mountains, a main source for water for Denverites, we had up to eighteen inches of snowfall on May first. The gossip is that one of the ski resorts had nearly eight feet of snowfall this year. Don’t believe it, say the experts. We’re still far short of our normal snowpack.
As a person who loves going outside and digging in the dirt, I’m cautiously optimistic. In the past couple of weeks I’ve been planting seed in my veggie garden, and cleaning flower beds. Things are looking great. Now if only the weather will cooperate.
Inside, I have to wonder if its my special time of life or the weather that leaves me too cold one day and gasping for cool are the next. I think my body is the thing that is missing spring the most. No chance to adjust to warmer temperatures in general. Restaurants are already turning on the obnoxious air conditioning that leaves you feeling like you’re eating in a refrigerator.
I would love to go on about global stewardship and our need to help nature right itself, but I have no expertise — just the feeling that I blinked and missed spring this year.
What about you in your part of the world? Is weather high on your attention span, or are things running along like a well-oiled–er–like normal?