Out in the Cold–With Prophet

The weather report on my computer said ten degrees.  The temperature on my car dash generously reported thirteen.  I grabbed the long-johns, ski pants, scarf, hats, two pairs of gloves, and, oh yeah, the dog.  Time for Prophet’s morning walk.

Taking your dog for a walk when the weather is bad may be one of the most difficult jobs for dog caregivers.  For me, unlike my healthy friend, Daisy Arthur, cold weather is a real threat.  I have had chronic bronchitis for nearly 45 years, ever since I walked home from school in inappropriate clothing and weather cold enough to make the most hearty among us run for a scarf.

Still, I skipped Proph’s walk yesterday (the temperature was listed as seven on my computer weather report) so I really needed to get my guy to the park.  After all, he needed to wear off the bits of chicken that “fell” to the floor, the marshmallows snuck from my bowl and whatever else it was that made his tummy so grumbly this morning. I forgot my camera to illustrate today’s post.

Miracles are part of this special time of year, and today we had ours. The walk was easier than I’d expected, and we bumped into a few friends along the way. Have you ever noticed that when you force yourself to do something good, good things usually happen to you?  For me, I was okay with the weather–amazing how proper dress keeps a person feeling good.  Then, Prophet actually played nicely with a little German short hair who chased and ran off a little excess Christmas energy.

We also bumped into Indy and her caregiver, John, who has become more and more of a friend over time.  This past fall, John was the one who brought apples from his fruit tree.  We loved them.  Indy is a shepherd mix, but probably a good 60 pounds shy of Prophet’s 115.

Proph and I are back home now.  My cheeks, while not glowing, feel fresh from the cold, and my fingers are okay.  I am breathing easy and looking forward to a nice cup of tea.  The snow was lovely to walk through.  Denver and Littleton had a “white Christmas” without any blizzard or other hazardous over-the-top snow and sleet to wreck the spirit.

Sometimes, Christmas doesn’t have to be a big, lalapalooza of an event.  Sometimes the holiday season is special just for the snow, the smiles and the walks with your dog.