Daisy Update for October 3 — Final Copy In

One of the best things about doing a weekly post is that this gives me time to get really excited about coming back to engage with you.  I miss you!  And I am very grateful for your readership.  Happy October everybody.

Overstuffed bookshelf

On the road to joining the crowd.

Meanwhile, as for Faith on the Rocks, things are moving along in their own publisher-scheduled sort of way.  Last week, just after posting to you, I received the Final draft of the book.  Editor Tracey Matthews had made only one or two last changes, and was sending the copy on to the next people in the publishing house.

“You should see review galleys in January 2013 or so,” said Tracey. “If you have any changes, please send them to us by April 5, 2013.”

Looks like everything is still on schedule for a June release.  I am so excited!  Now all I have to do is figure out what a “galley” is…

…Okay, so I just looked it up.  A galley is the book-before-the-book-comes-out; the sneak peak copies that are also called Advanced Reader Copies.

Now, I understand that you needn’t be an “advanced reader”–someone who reads Shakespeare or Beowulf in original text for fun–to get a galley copy, but these ARC’s are for public relations purposes.  I have to check in with my publisher to see what copies I might receive, and how I’m supposed to distribute them to local reviewers and people who would then go on to promote them with their own readers and audiences.  These books will be the official start of marketing Faith on the Rocks.  I’ll keep you posted on how this works as I find out.

So right now, I should be writing more on my second Daisy Arthur mystery, Sliced Vegetarian.  Don’t tell anybody, but I’m a bit stuck right now.  There is a veritable grocery list of excuses I have, but to be honest, I keep forgetting a saying that Jodi Thomas gave us at the Colorado Gold conference last month:

“Success comes through perseverance.”

I also remember reading something about the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair working too.  Next month, I plan to tell you something specific and fun about Sliced Veggie, but for now I off to go create that fun.

Wishing you every writing success.


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