6 thoughts on “What makes a great writing week?

  1. Liesa, I love your thoughts on what makes a good writing week! It’s easy to get caught up in word counts and plot outlines when thinking about progress, but there’s so much more to writing than just that. And thanks for the shout out! Good luck with your goal of 60 tweets–now 59! BTW, everything from your post would make for great, and interesting, tweets (either before, during, or after). Just sayin’ 😉

    • Thanks, Kate, and welcome to my website. I look forward to learning a lot about Twitter from you this year, and wish you all the best on your novel. Let’s talk guest blogging next RMMWA meeting.

  2. Liesa, what a great message! I like how you put a positive spin on the truly devastating news about Five Star. I am so grateful we were both published by them. The role of acquiring and encouraging new authors is so important. I hope another publisher steps up to fill that gap. And whatever birthday outfit you select will be sure to have style and class, just like you.

    • Thanks, Catherine! I know you’re an author on the move with your short stories in Alfred Hitchcock and your production on new novels so strong. I hope 2016 brings every new success to you.

  3. Hi Liesa. I ran for the Writer’s Digest too when I received the news from Five Star. And like Catherine, I’m grateful to them for publishing my work. I learned a great deal about writing and the publishing process from them and will always be proud to have been a Five Star author.

    • Don’t you know it, Jeanne. Loved reading All Things Murder, and hope that you, like Veronica Walsh, land on your feet with this. Best to you always.

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