Prophet does Halloween

Prophet is getting old for a dog.  He’s over eight now, and I’m spotting grey whiskers, discolored eyebrow hairs and a general slowing of his body.  You’d think he’d be done with all this Halloween nonsense. I mean, I didn’t trick-or-treat past seventh grade (and even then, I was allowed out only because I was collecting for UNICEF by then).  Grown ups like Prophet and me are supposed to be done with all that silly child’s play.

Front Door Halloween Wreath

This is as spooky as my house gets

But no.  No matter how hard I try to be all serious and calm, the bobbing pumpkins come out each year from my basement storage box, along with “Casper” my front porch ghost.  And I remember the extravaganzas my small family and I would make of Halloweens past.

I’ll never forget the year my elder daughter rigged up a skeleton to drop from the ceiling of our front porch as we opened the door to give out candy.  Or the costumes put together with sweatshirts, baseball caps and face paint.  I was never one for masks.

And the dog!  Whichever one we had always seemed enthusiastic either for the open front door (opportunity to escape), or the candy he’d inevitably get into.

Prophet's Ready for Halloween

Prophet’s Ready for Halloween

For the past couple of years, my good guy and I have been away from home on Halloween night, and I missed handing out the goodies.  I love seeing the small princesses and ninja “men” parade up to my door.  Even the “kids” who I had to tilt my head up to see in their ghoulish interpretations of “fooling the bad spirits” were fun.

So this year, Prophet and I decided to stay home and welcome the trick-or-treat-ers once again.  My decorations were kept simple–by now I realize exactly who has to box them all up again–and I didn’t precisely get dressed for the occasion.  In years past I put on a sweatshirt with happy ghosts and corn candy dancing all over the bright orange background.  This year I put on a Broncos sweatshirt and my guy said it was a perfect costume of a football fan (I wouldn’t know–I hardly watch football any more).  I sat in my living room with the drapes open and the lights on.

Five o’clock came.  I hoped I wouldn’t be eating dinner when the first little ones arrived. Nope. No doorbell rings.

Six o’clock came. Dinner was done and no one came.  We started to watch a recorded television show, then stopped.  Wouldn’t want to be interrupted with Halloween passing-out-candy duties.  I grabbed my iPad and began playing games.

At Last! Trick-or-Treaters!

At Last! Trick-or-Treaters!

Seven o’clock, three Sudoku, and four Spider Solitaire games later, the first ring came. Yippee!  I jumped up from the couch.  Prophet came racing in from the kitchen, all blasts of his vocal chords working well.  We just about scared the poor little Kermit and Miss Piggy out of their wits with our enthusiastic “Happy Halloween!”  Each child had to be thoroughly sniffed before giving the few pieces of candy out.  At least Proph stayed in the house–sort of.

By nine o’clock Prophet and I had gone to the door maybe four times.  The children this year were all in sweet costumes. No scary stuff. No big kids. No hordes driven in vans from neighborhoods far away.  It was quiet–except for the one occasion when I heard a light paper crunching sound and caught Prophet stealing a couple of candy bars.  Meanie that I am, I took that chocolate right away from him.  The witches caldron was still almost full.  I suspect Prophet was trying to help me feel better, by taking some of that nasty stuff I was pushing on unsuspecting astronauts and Snow Whites.

Hidden Treasure in the Pantry

Shhh!!! Don’t tell anyone, but I’ll have candy for weeks yet.

I saved the nasty stuff from Prophet’s care and for the past five days have lived in a sugar high that I know will be my undoing.  I finally hid the candy in my pantry, but I know where those goodies are.  Maybe next year we’ll have more trick-or-treaters, but if not, Prophet and I won’t be too sad.  We know how to fill and empty that witch’s caldron.

7 thoughts on “Prophet does Halloween

  1. We’ve lived in our current home for 13 years and haven’t had a single trick-or-treater. Though we live in town, our house is on a high-traffic road with no side walks. Not exactly conducive to young Halloweeners. But that doesn’t stop me from buying a bag of candy. You know, just in case…

    • Hi Carrie — What a great attitude! I only wish I could come to your house. Bet you have great treats. Wishing you a Thanksgiving season that is positively cavity-free. Best,

  2. I love Prophet’s enthusiasm when the door rings and the pics are great! Baffi’s hard of hearing now (she’ll be 15 in a couple of weeks) so she doesn’t rush to the door anymore but she did sniff out the candy bowl (certainly not hard of smelling with old age!).

    • Thanks so much, Letizia! I think Proph’s enthusiasm can be a bit much at times, but then who can blame him? The life of a dog isn’t all that the movies make out, so any visitor is liable to get a full-on lick and bark show when they come to our door. I only wish I could be that excited again.

      I’d love to see photos of Baffi. Fifteen? That’s amazing. I wish you a continuing happy life together.


        • OMG, Letizia, Baffi is soooooo cute! How did I miss this post? Funny, we had our first snow of the season yesterday, and this morning I was thinking about that special muffled atmosphere when Proph and I took our walk. It’s no wonder you have such a large following. Your posts always touch the microcosms of our lives and make them well-worth noting and celebrating. Have a great week.

          • Thanks, Liesa, for the kind words. We might be getting our first snow this weekend so Baffi and I will think of you and Prophet as we all enjoy the muffled sound of the snow falling. Enjoy the rest of the week too!

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