Cabo Rocks!

It’s not easy for a person like me to jump ship for a few days.  I love my home and work routine.  But when my ballroom dance instructor, Mitch, invited me to Cabo San Lucas with a group from the studio, I couldn’t resist.  I’m really glad I didn’t.

Rock formations at Cabo San Lucas

Small people in a giant world.

Was it the food, the people, the exercise class with television star, Louis Van Amstel? Nope. Was it the beaches, the playground atmosphere or the hot tub that holds ten to fifteen people? Not for me.  Must have been the partying or the adventures, right? No, at my age, I’m sorry to say it, but “been there, done that.”

For me, while I loved all the above experiences, the memory I will keep in my heart, is the incredible rock formations of The Arch or El Arco at the southernmost tip of the Baja peninsula. The Arch is a group of granite formations, giants that can’t be appreciated from afar.  They are beautiful from wherever you stand in Cabo, but I had the opportunity to go to Lover’s beach, and experience them up close.  Not to be missed for anyone who has ever been a rock collector–even when that collecting happened in elementary school.

The formations seem to be continuing to evolve, the granite, pock marked by the sea and the weather, has the appearance of fluid motion. It’s as if someone were spilling hot lava and a picture formed by time caught it in mid-spill.  But I’m getting carried away here.

Mitch, Scott, Ashley, Sandy and I found a small portal in the rock that took us to an almost private beach with small dunes to roll and jump down.  Louis came through and led the way up a path in the rocks to a ridge overlooking both Lovers and Divorce Beaches.  The climb was easy, even in our bare feet, but the view from the top overlooking both the Sea of Cortez on the gentle side, and the mighty Pacific on the dangerous side was spectacular.  What fun to be amongst such adventurous souls.

Adventure. Hmm.  I have to quote from a Writer’s Digest article here.  I’d been reading my latest copy on the plane down from Colorado.  In her article, The Reluctant Risk Taker’s Guide to Filling The Creative Well, Elizabeth Sims wrote, “Great writing begins with an appetite for life.”  Love this thought, and Cabo with friends made my life a smorgasbord of adventure and fun.